On Tuesday We have to head up to OU children's hospital(I'm really starting to hate this hospital) for Steven to have surgery on his airway. We didn't know he was having surgery until a week ago. The surgery will be from 30 minutes to 3 hours with a possible over night hospital stay. They will decide during surgery if they are going to take his tonsils and adenoids, and/or if they will take more tissue out of his throat. They are also worried about his esophagus and airway being fused together and having a hole in it.It has been super long.
I have been sick for 4 months and the doctors are trying to figure out what is wrong with me. They have exhausted the easy causes. So i had to have a ultrasound of my gallbladder and digestive system. They didn't find anything so now i have to have a contrast study and they are talking about taking my gallbladder. I really don't want to have surgery, but i have to wait and find out what they want to do. Oh well So far life isn't that hard. lol.