Monday, October 18, 2010
Well it has been a while since i updated. so far steven is doing ok he was on some meds to cure his aeroplasia. Thank goodness we took him off of the them this weekend because the meds were making him cranky and not sleep which ment mom did not sleep and you know what that means. this thursday we are headed back to the doctor to get more tests and find out if we will in fact have to have a G-tube. We put it off this long hopefully we can put it off longer. I will keep everyone updated. keep praying for the little man and i will put up pics soon.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Finally got home from the doctor at 3 something today. We found out that Steven has airaphagia (Spelling) which means that he is eating air and is filling his stomach up with it and that is why he is throwing up and possibly why we have a funny noise. So the 3 ways to fix this problem is to take his bottle away (he I not happy about that), put him on some meds and hope that it fixes it (on those now mommy is tired of meds.) and/or to put a G tube in his stomach to basically burp him. The tube can be removed but we are not sure how long he will have to have it.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Testing out my flirting skills on grandma
The cuteness always work.
These are my insisions
I have cute butt. Don't you thnk so?
You think if i hide in this suitcase you can sneak me out.
What is that smell?
This is post surgery.
This i also post surgery.
This is right after he came out of surgery
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
steven came home from the hospital yeterday 2 days early. He is slowly recovering. He is not wanting to eat so we are trying to battle him on the subject but other wise he is good he is on pain killer to try to keep him curbed. We have found out a fun fact thru this. Steven acts really funny on loratab and gets really hyper and acts like he is high. They said this is normal but it is really funny. adly steven cant take a full bath for 2 weeks and we are doing sponge baths and lots of lotion. In 2 weeks we have to go back to the doctor for a post-op app and than we will decide what to do next to help steven if needed. hopefully steven is healthy and will not need any more surgerys.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Thursday, September 02, 2010
We have been going nuts around the house this week and just finally got time to write. I just started new classes. Which means i go to school from 6-10 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Yikes. So I'm doing a hole lot of homework. Todd is working hard and spending as much time as he can with us when he is not at work. On Tuesday we went and met with the surgeon to find out if we should so surgery on Steven. After waiting for 2 hours in the waiting room to talk to the doctor. He informed us that we need to have the surgery that Stevens acid levels are incredibly high and that it is slowly eating his throat/airway and his esophagus. So on Septembers 13Th we will be heading up to primary children's and he will be having a invasive nissen(spelling or at least how the doc told me to spell it lol)and will be in surgery for 1 1/2 hours and than will be in recovery for 3 days and on a special diet for almost 3 months maybe longer. No more chips and cookies Steven is not happy about this part and has been stocking up in preparation for the big event. WE are going to try and have a fast and prayer this Sunday September 12Th. If anyone wants to participate.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
We just got the results of stevens ph probe. He has agressive acid reflux. He is being put back on prevacid until we can talk to the surgeon and see what they want to do. They have not figured out why he makes the funny noise. they think it is the reflex hiting his vocal cords. The doctor said that if he doesnt have surgery now he will probly have one not to long from now to fix his reflex. Hopefully we are getting closer to making steven well. Thank you for all your prayers. we keep everyone posted on what happens next.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
So as everyone knows Steven is having health problems STILL sadly. He was in the hospital again on the 19Th for a PH probe Which means they stick a tube down his nose in to his esophagus and monitor his pH levels and than they will decide what they will do from there. If they can prove it is a case of very aggressive overactive acid reflux they will do a surgery and open him up and shut off his acid pumps to help. We will not know what there decision is for another week and a half to two weeks. Steven was so busy at the hospital that i wasn't able to get any pictures of him being Steven, but i do not think the nurses nor the IT team will ever forget him for reformation the computers. LOL
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Steven got his first hair cut a couple days after he got home from the hospital. The glue that they had to use to keep the probes on his head was so bad to get out and after washing his hair about half a dozen times we decided it was about time to give him a hair cut. Steven loved the stylist and was quite and very patient and sat still through out the whole thing which shocked me. After all was done he got a cookie cutter, a balloon, and a sucker


I Am really behind. For anyone who doesn't know Steven has been having odd health problems. Since February Steven has had a odd strider that has been debilitating for him. we have been to countless doctors and many hospital, two EEG stays to trying to find out what is wrong with him. On May 25Th he had a bronchioscope and a super gloteoplasty(spelling?). Which i means they stuck a tube down his throat and looked at his lungs, trachea, bronchi and they took a milometer of tissue from his epiglottis. We thought that fixed it but sadly it has gotten worse. They thought he was having seizures so we did a 3 day EEG( they stick probes on his head and and watch his brain waves). That dint show anything. so we went back to the GI doctor and he has decided that we will do a PH probe on the 19Th of this month(Which means they will stick a probe down his nose in to his stomach and they will monitor his acid leave. If his acid is as bad as they think it is they will another surgery that will in essence will make the opening in the top of his stomach smaller so that not as much acid will get out. 

Thursday, March 25, 2010
In honor of Steven turning 1 today we thought a few pictures and a video would be good to show you how big he has grown. He is also so darn cute that i just love looking at his baby pictures and he is acting and looking like Todd more every day. A lot has happened in a year he can say Dada, mama, ca ca, baba, and many more things. He has his own personality and attitude. He has8 teeth and boy does he now how to use them and they hurt bad.
Monday, February 01, 2010
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