Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pictures for myron

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

We are so excited Steven is now army crawling across the floor.He has figured out that he can move faster and get in to small places if he crawls. We are so proud and kinda scared because he has now figured out that there are plugs and chairs and other interesting things in the world that need to be chewed on. It is so hard to keep the house baby proof because he keeps moving everything and chewing on things and the dogs are so kind as to help him out with the chewing up of things.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

We are so excited steven did his first complete army crawl. He made it across the kitchen floor and was laughing al the way. To day was not really productive but what can you do. i have included a movie of todd and steven playing i think it is so cute.

Monday, November 09, 2009

I was thinking of how big steven is getting and found this deeply cute
So this is our first blog so everyone bear with us as we figure out how this works. For anyone who doesn't know yet Todd and i got our endowments on Halloween. Than on the 7th Todd, Steven and i were sealed as a family for time and all eternity. Todd just started a new job and is loving it. Steven is growing up big and strong and im just loving being a mom and all the entails.